![]() Boat Project Registry How to submit registry information
MAI TAI / Roy Hendricks / email address not valid 4-8-03 / 10-10-99: Just put the sheers and chines on, ready to start planking. Spent a day and a half planing and sanding sheer clamps. Getting cold in PA, will probably just do planking this fall. Will turn over in spring. Thanks, it's been lots of fun, can't wait for first try out. MAI TAI (built in aluminum) / Bill Zubko / / 1-16-04: Started on boat in 9/02. In the water for first time 4/03. I lengthened the hull to 25'( LOA with the bow pulpit and o/b bracket is 29'6"), and added a 4" chine to each side. The transom corners were bent 90 degrees with about an 8" radius, in a press that I made. I wanted a rounded look to the transom corners and the swim platform/engine bracket. This also let me offset the bottom and side welds toward the bow. The frames are 2"x3"x 1/4" angle, stiffeners are 1/4" x 3" flat bar (6061 t-6) frame gussets are 1/4" 5086 plate. The hull has a 1/4" bottom, and 3/16" for the rest, all 5086 aluminum. The outboard bracket sides are 3/8", and the bottom is 1/4". top of the swim platform is 3/16". I made a 50 gallon fuel tank and secured to the deck in the middle of the transom. At rest I can feel the chines stopping the rocking motion( my wife doesn't get sick), and under way they deflect the spray straight out. It gets up on plane in a heartbeat and doesn't squat at all. I've had the boat in 2' to 4' chops with foam being blown across the water in Indian River Bay, Delaware, and it has a real solid ride to it. I'm really happy with the way it handles and trailers, it's a great boat. MAI TAI / Gary and Margaret Sunderland / Melbourne, Australia / 9-14-10: We have commenced building a Glen-L 'Mai Tai' cruiser in plywood. The boat's name will be 'Snowflake'. We have already completed constructing the building form and we are currently creating the frames/bulkheads. Our build actually commenced 26th July 2010. We will continue to post progress as it proceeds. (See Customer Photos) MALAHINI / Al & Gordon Williamson / / 1-7-99: Assembled frames, keel, chines, and sheer clamps; preparing to plank. Plan to finish this boat as a classic mahogany runabout, complete with shiny aluminum hardware and brightworked deck. MALAHINI / Allen Smith / / 3-19-99: Have received Plans, Frame kit, Epoxy, Fasteners/Book from Glen-L. 4-8-99: Building form complete, frame members placed. Expecting shipment of wood needed to proceed in mid-April. 9-22-99: Hull frame complete, have begun fairing frame. 10-15-00: Planking hull. MALAHINI / Jeff Pierce / / 7-17-00: Just started, cut out frame members. Would like advice from anyone who has finished side planking "bright". 9/19/01: Ready to turn the hull. 8-28-02: Decks planked and ready for varnish. 9-5-02: Three coats of varnish on decks so far. 4-10-03: There has been little progress since my last update to the registry. It has been a tough winter for working in the garage, even with a kerosine heater. I chose, instead, to take the winter off. I expect to start working on the boat again next week, if it warms up as predicted. (See Customer Photos) MALAHINI / David McGorrin / Nassau, Bahamas / / 8-6-00: Set up frames... working on joining keel and stem. 8-15-00: Attached breasthook and chine blocking to stem, joined stem to frame #4. Epoxied keel to stem, frames and transom, and attached transom knee.... working on chine logs and sheer clamp. I am a teacher and on summer vacation so I can work 9 to 5 on the boat. The best way to spend a vacation :) 01-26-01: Hull is complete, Preparing to paint the bottom. Also started work on the trailer. MALAHINI / Rich Davis/ / 8/9/00. Working on boat in my spare time. Finished framing. Working on side planking. Had a more difficult time with the cutting of the sheer to fit the sides than I thought. Enjoying every minute. Getting lots of suggestions for names from friends and family (SOS, Titanic,etc.). I expect to finish fiber glassing the bottom by the end of the year. Anxious to turn it over and start working on the decking. 4-10-03: I completed the Malahini last summer. It looks great. I put a 70 horse Merc. on it and it runs great. Making changes to the seats. Putting captain's seats in and adding a stabilizer. The one thing I wanted to do was have a mahogany deck. I didn't do a good job in finishing the deck, so I had to paint it. Either this summer or next I think I would like to do the deck over. Mahogany plywood is hard to finish. I've seen some really great looking finishes that I will have to find out how they were done. To be honest, the fun has been in the building not as much in the cruising. I'd love to build another boat. After all I have learned, I could do a better job and much faster. Overall I am very pleased. MALAHINI / Tom Lynch / Minneapolis, MN / / 4-3-02: I'm building the boat in my garage. This is a longer term project due to funds and time challenges. I've finished sheathing the hull in plywood and (frames were construted last winter 00/01) am smoothing out rough spots in preparation for glassing over the plywood. I have really enjoyed working on this project. As I have told my spouse when expenses were encountered, building the boat is cheaper than a psychiatrist who would only use my money to go and buy his own boat! I hope to have photos available at some point in the near future. I've enjoyed looking at the progress of others. 3-30-03: I've finished installing the floor decking and am now waiting on some parts for rigging motor controls and steering. My progress has been slowed by a more pressing and cute project (daughter Clare born in Oct. of 02). Nevertheless, I'm hoping to finish by early to mid-summer of this year. The project continues to be really good fun- I'm hooked. MALAHINI / Doug Hodder / / 7-7-03: I started the Malahini 7/6/03. I've gotten the building frame built, all the frame members hanging in it, keel/ battens/ chines cut. I opted to buy the Frame Kit this time in order to speed up the process. Your pre-cut frames sure fit up nice. 7/12/03: I've got the chines/ sheer/ and battens in and glued, the port side sheer cut loose prior to being attached and cut a nasty divot in my shins, oh well, I need to fair all the aforementioned members and will start fitup of sides and bottom this coming week. I don't know how I will do the sides as I ordered 5 x 10 sheets of Sapele mohagany and they do not even come close to matching the 4 x 8's that I ordered. It looks like some wild grain on the sides right now. This is not going to be a traditional boat so maybe I can pull it off. 7-26-03: I have been slowed because of the temperatures. It hits 100F regularly in the shop and I am not inclined to work in those temps., personally and because I don't have the working time on the epoxy. I did manage to get the hull faired and at least the mohagany plywood on the sides. I used the 4 x 8 sheets rather than the 5x10's for the sides and managed to get a great diamond effect on both of them. I plan doing the bottom this coming week, hopefully it will cool off. All the fiberglass and glass tape are here for the bottom. I will probably have to do it at 5-6 AM so I have some working time. 8-6-03: Finished fiberglassing the hull, I also have the skeg on. This weekend I'll get the splash rail on and start building up the hull with epoxy and sanding between coats. 11-7-03: I had taken off a 2 months from boat construction, however, I recently got my project to the point that I can finish sand the bottom and shoot a coat of automotive polyurethane on it. I no longer have to worry about the high temperatures, especially since it snowed the other day. Now I need to build a fire in the stove to heat the shop. Since I don't have an official spray booth, I need to do a super clean on the garage, tent off 1/2 of it and we're ready to go. I think that both the transom grain and sides will work well with the paint scheme. I will paint the bottom now, turn the hull, and lay out the other paint work detail, which will probably be done after the decking is done. 12-3-03: The cradle is built and padded for finishing off the topside when I get it turned over. I've ordered the instruments, from Classic Instruments, a bow handle, and a custom banjo style steering wheel. I plan on getting the engine in the next month. 60 HP Mercury 4 stroke. 12-18-03: I turned the boat over today. I used 2" styrofoam sheets, cut 8" wide and 8'long. I taped them together into 4" thick "beams", spaced them out 18". It rolled over quite easily and I lifted the ends while my neighbor pushed them stacked 4 high on both ends. Once supported, the cradle slid under the boat easily. Total time was only about 20 minutes, and no scratches on the bottom. Now the fun part begins, building out the interior and decks. 1-26-04: The carlings are in as are the floor and dash. I'm in the process of building out the motor well, but would really like to have the motor here to do it. The dash is figured honduran mohagany. Hopefully I'll start decking in the next week or so. 3-1-04: I've gotten the floor screwed in now, and have the sub deck on the bow. I used the sheets of 1/4" mohagany with the bad grain for the sub deck. I'm in the process of resawing honduran mohagany for the final decking, it will also be 1/4". I plan on fairing the sub deck using epoxy filler in one low spot. By the time I get it sanded, the final deck on and sanded I should have a super smooth curve on the deck. Steering cable is run, control cables are connected to controller, but not installed yet. Fixed fuel tank 12 gallon is installed. I need to put the sub deck on the aft end and will start planking. 5-11-04: I finally got the decking on, and plugged. I just finished up dying the wood. I like using the anilin dye as it is pretty forgiving and you can blend areas easily. Wiping with a damp cloth helps blend the dye. Now I'll need to start laying down layers of epoxy. I sill need to finsh up the interior. MALAHINI / Scott Means / Exeter, NH / scottmeans@comcast.net / October 2003 began gathering materials. November began constructing frames. MALAHINI / John Loken / Fredon NJ / / 5-4-05: The bottom is planked, screw holes filled, all faired now. Hull is ready for covering, fiberglass & epoxy. Built with 5/4 mahogany and okume plywood. Great deal on the 5/4 mahogany at '84 Lumber'. 5-12-05: All "planked", almost finished fiberglassing, 1 side to go! No time, no Poxy Shield, where does it all go? the time and Poxy Shield I mean! I'm going to paint the hull but finish the top 'bright'. Looking for words of wisdom on what to use for caulking to achieve the bright white lines between planks. (see Customer Photos) MALAHINI / Keith E. Laidig / Snohomish, WA / / 1-24-05: I've just begun the construction of the Malahini. I'm keeping a diary of the project for future reference online at http://seanova.org. The primary success to date was my successful moving of the central support in my garage without the house collapsing... more to follow.
MALAHINI / Chris Hodgdon / Edgemoor, SC /
/ 12-12-05: I have mounted the frames on the building form
and assembled the breasthook and chine blocking to the
stem. MALAHINI / George Redden / Staunton, VA / / 1-17-06: 1/4 way through fairing. 3-15-06: All panels on hull, some filling and sanding left to do. Lessons learned: 1) used Joubert Aquatec marine plywood, 5-ply mahogany, excellent stuff but very hard to bend the 3/8-inch in the bow section-had to attach to the forward section of the bow to the stem and chine first and then work aft to where I could clamp to the battens and kneel. 2) The bow transition butt joint of 3/8 bottom and 1/4-inch side panel should not be taken lightly. Strongly suggest laminating 1/8-inch wood strip to the chine log under where the side ply will side with the chine, tapering it smoothly with the chine three or four feet aft of the stem. Otherwise, sanding the bottom ply seriously compromises its strength. After roll-over, I will have to strengthen the bottom with a ply back-up and fiberglass. 3) My power hand plan proved invaluable for fairing and for trimming the panels. Don't know if she'll get wet this summer or not. 11-1-07: I finished my Malahini in August 2007 and launched late that month. She runs very well-the 60 HP, 4-stroke Mercury is exceptional-instant start, smooth, quiet, nice idle operation and pushes the boat to 40 mph at max revs of 6600 rpm (fast enough for me!). The hull is finished with Interlux black paint, decks are mahogany planked -caulked white topped with Interlux Goldspar varnish, upholstery is pleated forest green vinyl, and Faria gauges in a mahogany dash. The most common onlooker questions are "What year is it?", "Is that an old Chris Craft?", etc. I stopped varnishing at seven coats so that the Honduras mahogany looks like real wood and not something buried under fifteen coats of plastic. 3-9-08: I recently sent in a photo of my completed Malahini. I have two more that I thought might of use to future builders. One shows the cockpit layout, which has proven to be very good, except I should have made the walk-through four-inches wider. It is difficult to kneel down when accessing the bow storage compartment, which holds the homemade cockpit cover and auxiliary gas can. The second picture shows the under-deck storage compartments. The mid hatches are fitted out to hold fenders, docking lines, cooler, waste container, fire extinguisher, etc. The aft hatches give access to the fuel tank, battery, bilge pumps, general storage and the auxiliary electrical panel with battery manual switch, pump fuses and hour-meter. The bottom of the back seat is hinged for storage under it with racks for the boat hook, boarding pole, and cockpit cover support. (See Customer Photos) MALAHINI / Tim Basham / Portsmouth, Ohio / 12-2-06: Started the Malahini in Sept 06, Dec 06 sides on and ready for bottom. Good plans and lots of fun. I'm a second generation Glen-L builder. My father built 2 or 3 Glen-L boats in the 50's and 60's. 1-20-07: Just a small update. Finally finished the bottom and sides using System-3 silver tip resin, good stuff. Today I put on a coat of primer. Paint and primer are from topsecretcoatings.com. Will wet sand and paint this week. More to come. 2-1-07: Just painted the bottom with first coat. Seems to be really good stuff. Flows, covers and levels out great, brush marks just disappear. One more coat and them I'll start on the white.(see Customer Photos) MALAHINI / George Lohnes / Hopkinton, Massachusetts / / 12-26-07: Start Date: 1-1-2007. Stage 1: Purchased and read suggested books; reviewed plans; convinced my wife that I can do this (or at least not die in the attempt) and found a garage to build it in. My goal is to build a respectable boat thereby proving that ANYONE can build one of these things. Other than a couple of bookcases (last month), some coffee tables (college... many, many yrs ago) and a shed (last year) I have no talent at all... but I do have some nice tools that I can rationalize purchasing with this project.
MALAHINI / Jerry Lindamood / Malakoff, Texas / / 3-14-09: I started this build in August 2008. I am using all silicone bronze fasteners, white oak frames and marine Douglas Fir for planking. I have completed the plywood planking and started to re-saw Mahogany for strip planking, March '09. I started re-sawing with a 14 inch Grizzly band saw, but soon moved to a table saw instead. I just could not get a straight cut with the band saw. There is some variation with the table saw, but not near the problems as I had with the band saw, and the table saw turns out to be a heck of a lot faster too.
MALAHINI / Vlad Poenaru / Bucharest, Romania /
/ 3-2-09: Boat assembly (frames & battens)
MALAHINI / Ian Gruber / Leduc (Edmonton), Alberta,
Canada /
/ 1-14-10: Bought plans in fall of 2009. My project notes
are on the Glen-L forum here: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=8124. The
project's well underway now.. cut frames back in
October.. working on my chines tomorrow with a bit of help
from ShaneD from Edmonton.
MALAHINI / Sam Witherington / Atlanta, Georgia /
/ 7-8-09: I started building the Mahlahini September of 2006
and finished June 2009. I've been so involved with this
build it's been difficult to think about other
"projects" I needed to do around the house. My wife
is very happy I've finished because she has her husband
back. Now we'll enjoy some quality time together. Just me
and my two ladies. Oh, by the way, I'm already thinking
about the Glen-L 13, cat rig I'll build next! Don't
tell my wife. Thanks for everything.
MALAHINI / Alan Bates / Brisbane, Australia /
/ 3-3-10: My name is Alan Bates, and I live in Brisbane,
Australia. In the early 70's (as an 8-year old) I helped
Dad build a 12' plywood boat underneath the family home.
I had some fantastic memories of that time, and the great fun
we had fishing in that boat while I was growing up. So, while
holidaying in a beach front apartment at Noosa (Queensland,
Australia) with my family in Easter 2006, I thought,
"Wouldn't it be great to build a wooden boat with
Dad!" When I got home I called Dad (now 82 yr old) and
asked if he wanted to join in the project. The reply was an
immediate and resounding, "Yes"! After searching
the Net for the 'perfect' design (well the one that
matched my vision of the 'perfect' boat), I found
Glen-L, and the design for the 'Malahini'. I was in
love! It had all of the curves and lines that I was after. I
ordered the plans and your excellent books "Boat
building with Plywood", and "How to
Fiberglass", and started getting ready. Construction
commenced in July, 2006. The frames were marked, cut and
assembled over a couple of weekends, and I took 2 weeks
holidays with the aim of building the hull in one go, to
really move things along. The aim was to have the boat ready
for the following Easter holiday at Noosa in April, 2007. The
other good reason to hurry up was that I had convinced my
wife that her car had to stay out on the driveway for the
duration of the project, so the Malahini could be built under
cover in the garage.
MALAHINI / Dave Milam / Charleston, West Virginia /
/ 7-11-10: Ordered plans for Malahini in 3/10. Ordered
fastening kit and epoxy in 5/10. Building frame was completed
in early June, but because we've been out of town a lot
lately, I haven't been able to do much until now. It is
now 7/11/10, stem, breasthook, and chine block are all cut
and ready to be assembled and glued; getting ready to do the
transom and frames next.
MALAHINI / Bob Brandenstein / Ballwin, Missouri /
/ 1-27-2011: I am building the Malahini and I started
cutting the frames in November, 2010. I am currently in the
process of attaching the chines and sheers. Cold weather in
Missouri has slowed my progress as it has been below freezing
in my garage making it a challenge to work and difficult to
epoxy. Things are hopefully warming up and progress will
accelerate. I have a blog that is documenting my project. Your
site has been a tremendous asset with lots of information,
pictures and the forum for advice and encouragement.
MALAHINI / Robert Samartino / Babylon, New York /
/ 9-13-2009: The construction of the hull is completed and
fiberglassed, I am now doing my homework on the next stage,
which will be priming and painting.
MALAHINI / Darren Stribling / Surrey, England /
/ 2-28-2011: I've just cut out the frames on a Malahini.
I'm building it in my garden. . I have a very small
garden, so bought an awning that I've made a more
permanent fixture by way of some wood props and wood fencing.
Installed some external power sockets and an electric heater
and ready to go! Finished cutting the frames on the 27th of
February 2011 with plyood templates and a router with a
ball-bearing guide. Now waiting for the plywood to arrive for
the gussets etc. Big learning curve for me as I have no prior
woodworking knowledge.
MALAHINI / Jeff Hovis / Atlanta, Georgia /
/ 3-8-2011: This boat is a special project. It was begun by
another Glen-L builder by the name of Don Witherspoon of
Hernando, FL. He had built a Zip back around 2003 that is
listed in these pages and then started on the Malahini.
Unfortunately, he discovered he was quite ill in Dec, 2006
and passed away in Feb, 2007. The Malahini was actually quite
far along consisting of a completed hull, deck and floor. It
was also painted. It had been kept inside since 2007 and in
Jan, 2011, I purchased it from Don Witherspoon Jr, who was
going to finish it but just did not have the time. I had it
DA sanded and clear coated with approx 2 gallons of clear. It
was then sanded up to 3000 grit, sprayed again and finally
buffed. Mar, 2011, I am finishing the electric system and
then the interior. It will be powered by a 2006 Evinrude
E-TEC 90. At this point, I am like a sponge and I take in
every interior photo that is posted on these forums. Each
June, the Blue Ridge chapter of ACBS hold a gathering on our
lake which is in the mountains straddling GA and NC. I plan
to have her in the water for that gathering...hopefully it
will be in the water in May.
MARAUDER / Brian Shanley / Ireland /
/ 2-7-01: Yeh, there's a few of us lunatics over here as
well. Started building the Marauder in Jan' 1995 -
completed building frame and transom by end of Feb' but
that was pretty much it for the rest of that year, the
'Day Job' got in the way. Each January since brought
new enthusiasm and a 'Mad Bust' was made again for a
month or so but it was really in February 2000 that we got
down to business. Now nearing completion with just final
finishes to do. Changed the internal layout, installing a
full size Shower cubicle by encroaching into the main
wheelhouse space, the top of which now serves as a chart
table. The mid-ships double stateroom was 'inverted'
so that your legs actually go under the internal Helm
position - the additional space gained was given to the
Vee-Berth Stateroom. We have installed two water jets instead
of prop's. I received great help from Hamilton Jet and
the Engineers at Mermaid Marine ( Engines ) so we are quietly
confident. I had a professional survey done recently - purely
for my own peace of mind - and have been informed that with
some minor modifications we can achieve the same
certification as a commercial or production craft. We hope to
launch in May of this year so I'll send an update closer
to the date. 04-10-03: We launched in May of last year,
although to be honest have not really completed performance
trials - the day job got in the way - the boat has been in
dry dock for the winter and is due to be relaunched in the
next few weeks. As you are aware from earlier correspondence
we actually fitted 2No. 291mm Hamilton Jets each coupled to
Ford Magnum 400hp Mermaid Marine Engines. When launched the
boat was left for approx six weeks before we started motoring
- work got in the way again - but during this time unknown to
us there was huge growth of barnacles on and within the Jet
Intake plates ( having missed this area with the
anti-fouling, I know, don't go there ) which resulted in
the intake plates being closed approx 70%. We didn't
realise this until we took the boat out in October for the
winter, even still she would comfortably achieve 17/18 knots
at 1800 rpm. We are interested to see the performance this
year now that the intake blocks have been cleaned, and yes,
anti-fouled. MARAUDER / David Fifield / Auckland, New Zealand / / 2-2-08: Plans finally cleared customs and Read through. Starting with: Laminating Stem, Frames 10, 11 & Transom. MARK TWAIN 32 / Mark Spooner / / 6-2-99: Hull complete, righted, working on deck. 9-12-99: Have finished the modified wheel house and will be launching the end of September. 4-10-03: Yes I have completed the boat in 1999 and I have had a lot of fun using the boat. In January this year I brought her in and cut off the top structure. I replaced it with a simple canvas top this has worked really well for what I require. The hulls are very economical and the boat has always performed well. I have been out in some pretty rough weather with the waves breaking over the bows. MARK TWAIN 40 / Lee & Sandi Freeman / / 7-24-99: Pontoons started. 3-18-02: Our 40 ft. Mark Twain (The Sandi Lee) is really coming together. We have completed the hull and cabin. We are now working on the interior. Everything is falling into place now and we are getting excited about seeing her in the water. You can visit us at www.mkt-info.com/sandilee for pictures of the project. Thank You for all your fine products and help along the way. MINIMAXED / Mark Ballantyne / West Richland, WA / / 12-20-05: I am almost ready to install the deck. I ordered the plans the first part of November. 4-29-05: Sorry it has been so long for an update on my Minimaxed but I have been having too much fun with it. I launched it on April 4th with Great success. It floats. Unfortuneatly I only had a 2.5 hp motor for it and the motor was too small to plane out. I have since installed a 9.9 hp Evinrude and WOW! it will move out just great. I was worried that it would be too heavy of an engine but the boat handles it very well. The 2.5 was way too light and the boat would nose down in the water when you let off the gas. This would get the driver all wet and leave about a gallon of water in the bilge. This was my first boat building experience and now I am trying to talk to my spouse into the next project. "A bigger boat" The only thing I would do different would be the finish. Thanks Glen L for a great time. (see Customer Photos) MINUET / Rob Leach / Listowel, ON, Canada / / 11-12-98: Boat complete, sailing 4 years. 12-18-03: This is to update my email address. I have now been sailing my minuet for 10 years on Lake Huron and Georgian Bay in Ontario. MINUET / Robert Rosenzweig / Address not valid: 11-18-02 / 5-4-99: Day 1, built boat form, starting tomorrow on transom and frames. 5-13-99: Finished all frames, starting transom. Work going faster than anticipated. 6-8-99: Project progressing amazingly fast. All frames on building form, now fairing chines. Actually starting to look like a boat. Really exciting. 6-27-99: Keel in place with cutout for centerboard. Getting ready to glass and assemble CB trunk. 7-28-99: CB trunk installed. Trying to find fabricator for CB. Side panels butt joined and fitted to frames. Will complete fiberglassing by next weekend. MINUET / Clarence W. Wenzel / email address not valid 4-8-03 / 6-26-99: Trailer built except for installing hitch and lights. Frames on building form, ready to fiberglass centerboard trunk. 4-22-00: Hull completed, fiberglassed, bottom painted, and on trailer ready to start inside. Trailer registered and ready for the road. MINUET / Jerry Shelton / Lubbock, TX / / 8-2-99: Frames in position on form, ready to fit keel. Thank you to Capt. Bob! 3-13-00: Centerboard trunk installed, keel cut to fit trunk. 8-3-00: Moving slowly for a lack time, but enjoying the process. Keel installed. Chines installed. 01-01-02: Side and bottom planking installed. Preparing surface for fiberglass. 4-9-03: The Minuet is still in progress. I think I have all of the coats of resin on the hull that I will apply. I have started sanding on that coat. Right now I am trying to figure out how to get the hull painted before turning it over. I don't have a compressor etc. So, I'm trying to decide how to get the equipment. I have my steel shoes cut, fit and ready to install. I am actually embarrassed at how long this project is taking me. But with two young kids at home, I just don't have much time. (See Customer Photos) MINUET / Larry Haff, Westborough, MA / / 10-5-99: Framing complete, starting fairing. 11-18-99: Finished fiberglassing and painting hull; now painting. 1-31-00: Boat right-side up, decking complete, cabin sole complete. Starting cockpit sole and seats. Hoping boat will fit through double doors. 3-29-00: Had a "coming out" party, boat is now outside. Centerboard mounted, installing cabin sides and roof. 6-5-00: Boat launched on May 30, 2000. Sails beautifully. 7-14-03: Email still good. (See Customer Photos) MINUET / Chris Van Over / Address not valid: 11-18-02 / 1-6-00: Built jig. 1-8-00: Bought a few tools, fasteners, and a bit of lumber. 1-9-00: Started transom. 1-16-00: Transom, stem, breathook done. Frames done and attached to jig. Centerboard trunk sides cut out, centerboard pattern submitted to machine shop. Lumber on hand for keel, chines, and battens. 1-2-00: Have progressed amazingly fast. One side planking put on today. Broke sheer clamp by removing clamp prematurely, will patch and reinforce it. Found a 3 hp motor with tank, lines, etc. for $80, have a line on a trailer. 2-2-00: Found a trailer that should work. One piece of planking to go, then ready to glass. 3-22-00: Turned boat over today. Looks bigger now, can't wait to float test. 5-18-00: Decking complete. MINUET / Alan Clapham / / I have finish the hull and busy painting; hope to launch her end of September. I have made some changes like a bigger hatch and a folding rudder but the rest as per drg. 4-15-03: My Minuet is now finished and in use. I have used it quite a lot, with a few overnight stops, with great success. Had to stiffen the mast up with a set of spreaders to get a better set on the mast and give her a better to windward performance. I will have some photos scanned and sent to you, taken within Hout Bay & Knysna, off the south African Coast. Both are in large open bays. She has made a good impression over here and I would not be surprised if there are not more inquiries for this boat from here. (see Customer Photos) MINUET / John Grubb / / 04/08/01: Started boat 01/01/00. Have finished hull, ready to turn over boat and start on the inside. MINUET / Michael Gipson / Edmond, OK / / 4-12-01: My daughter and I have begun work on the Minuet. We bought the frame kit, have frames leveled on building form and are ripping lumber for longitudinals. The keel will be mahogany and the rest will be cypress (costs about 1/3 of mahogany). 4-9-03: Still here, still working... am in the middle of fiberglassing the hull... your video is a good help for me. MINUET / John Van Newenhizen / / 9-20-01: Started in January 2000. Now in final stage of completion. All components like rudder and mast are complete. Rigging installation and painting remain. Launch date for Nov. or Dec. Only alteration is aluminum alloy center board which will require ballast to counter weight loss. To be named "Miss Boo". 11-18-02: I am happy to report our Minuet "Miss Boo" is completed and will be launched shortly after the first of the year. Launching will be at Port St. Joe, Florida. Will send picture to Wooden Boat after we are afloat. Many thanks to Glen-L for excellent plans and helpful kits as well as several phone "need help" inquiries during construction. 4-10-03: Attached is a picture and it tells it all! Launch was January 14th at Port St. Joe, Florida. 'MISS BOO' lives up to all my expectations. She sails better than I expected. Is faster for her size than I expected. Points very well. Is extremely stable in rough seas. Thanks to GlenL for their advice during construction. MINUET / Mike Macanga / Union, NJ / / 4-7-02: Sept 1999, Began building frames in basement. January 2000, put frames together on form. January 2001, put wheels on building form and rolled into backyard where it is awaiting the mast, rudder and trailer. 4-10-03: The project was going great, I'd say it is 85 percent complete. Things have come to a grinding halt for now due to the arrival of our first child. I will update my info when i can find a second to breath. I expect realistically to launch the boat in the next two years. MINUET / Pinsetman / / 8-28-02: Started on the Minuet but going slow. All new to me. Having a problem keeping everything aligned on set up. MINUET / Nick Adams / / 7-29-03: Started building project May 1/03. Completed wood work on hull by June 30/03. Have just finished fiberglassing and painting hull (7/25/03). Am planning a party to turn hull. Looking for a trailer. 5-24-05: I was unable to work on the boat during 2004, but resumed construction this past winter and am now almost finished. I couldn't find the trailer I wanted so I built my own. It's worked well so far. I live in Manitoba, Canada, and hope to launch the boat (which will be named The Nonsense) on Falcon Lake this summer. A couple of remaining hurdles are to find suitable material for the mast and moulding for the portlights. MINUET / Wojciech (Voytec) S. Zielinski / Reno, NV / / 7-11-04: I am building her hull in California (not enough space in my place), and after the month of my labor the hull lack's bottom planking. I am going back to California in September to finish MINUET hull. The rest of the construction will be accomplished in my Reno backyard. Any response from boat builders about construction, materials, paint and trailers will be warmly welcome. 9-30-05: I have had completed Minuet hull in Winchester, CA and recently trailered her hull to my location in Reno NV (5600 ft. above sea level). For now, I'm building the access, and shelter for future work. My garage does not provide enough space to continue this project. I have had contact with the man in Canada who built and successfully sailed Minuet for over 5 years. I have no doubt my decision to build her had been right. MINUET / Brandon Kamus / Baton Rouge, LA / / 8-24-04: I have begun working on the boat form this past weekend, after purchasing the wood the weekend before. I have only been able to align a few of the pieces of wood as my brother and I had to clean up from our previous project of the weekend. This weekend will be devoted to finishing the form and working on the frame. MINUET / Steve Macrae / Wonga Beach, Far North Queensland / / 4-23-05: This is my first "real" boat building exercise. Bought timber for building form (90x45 DAR CCA treated pine) and sheet of 1/4 inch exterior ply for transfering patterns. Next step is to scrounge the framing timber from a recycled timber merchant mate of mine. Thinking of buying a Ryobi band saw to cut frames - am actually quite a toolhead when finances permit. MINUET / W.E.Tillman / / 6-2-05: Started my Minuet on 23 March 05 when I called and ordered the plans. The next day I purchased aprox. 60 board feet of rough cut white oak. It took a few days to cut out and plane the frame peices down to 1 inch [even a good DeWalt 733 can only do so much]. All the frame members are 1 in. net. This may be over kill but I like to build things stronger than needed--something I learned from my father. The completed frame members are now on the strongback. The centerboard trunk will be installed tomorrow [3 June]. All plywood used in the hull will be marine grade. The topsides may be different, somewhat, from the plans. I am still thinking about that. 6-28-05: The CB trunk was 3 days late getting in. Frame #3 followed the next day. The chine logs weren't too hard. The sheer clamps were another story. After crawling around on a cement floor for two days I felt like my knees would never work right again. Had to take a few days off for R&R. All ok now. The fairing process is under way at present. Hope to start the "planking" very soon. This collection of parts is finally starting to look like a boat. An upside down boat but still a boat. At this rate it may be floating by late fall [hope-hope-hope]. 3-6-06: Fall came and went with no "float test". Didn't get the fiberglass on until Dec. With help I put two layers of 10 oz. on the bottom and a single layer on the sides. On the keel forward of the center board to the stem at the water line we layed up five layers of strips 6 to 9 inches wide. I know that I will go aground more than once. All that needs doing now is finish sanding so I can paint the hull and get it turned over. Hope to have all the projects I've taken on done by the end of next week. Then no more outside jobs, IT'S BOAT BUILDING TIME!! 8-12-07: The hull has been sanded and painted. A trailer was purchased and modified to fit the boat. Eight friends helped turn the hull over and put it ot the trailer. The bunk boards fit like a glove from frame one to frame four. Talk about comming out smelling like a rose! A support post under the keel at frame five keeps the boat from being pulled down to the winch at the top of the winch post. The boat was brought home and parked under two oak trees. There the deck (what there is of it) was put on. The cabin sole bracing is in place with tempoary planks to give me a level place to work. I am expanding the cabin fwd. to frame 5 and aft to frame 2. I am also adding 6in. to the height. The additional height will step up aprox 6in. aft of the mast step. The mast step is staying at the elevation the designer put it. The "new" cabin sides are on and the cabin beams have been laminated and epoxied. The next step is the foward cabin wall and roof followed by the step behind the mast, the aft cabin wall and finally the main cabin roof.
MINUET / Robert Zopp /
/ 8-10-05: I ordered my plywood from Edensaw Lumber in March
'05. I purchased the plans in June '05. Recently, I
purchased 35 bft of African Mahogany for the frames from HLC
Dallas (thanks to Glen-L website I was able to locate this
seller of many hardwoods; ask for Tom). I am currently
working on the building form. I have cut out copies of the
frames on cardboard to help lay out on the mahogany. I
believe I can get all my framing lumber from the 35 bft of
Mahogany I purchased. All my stock is between 6.5" and
7.5" wide and 7' long. 12-28-05: I have been working
slowly over the past several months, the frames are all cut
out. I had to cut out Frame #1's floor frame twice
because of a measuring mistake. I was still able to get all
the frames cut from the 35 bft. of Mahogany. I have ordered a
gallon of epoxy and silica fillers. Intending to assemble
frames soon. I have also ordered my first 1/3 of my silicon
bronze fasteners from Glen-L. Transferred the transom, stem,
floor boards, and breasthook to the 3/4" plywood. Also,
the centerboard has been fabricated and galvanized. I have
put together a yahoo photo album and here is the
address: MINUET / Dan Shotwell / / 5-17-07: All frames, rudder, tiller, bow sprit, keel made. Starting work on mast. Boat will be going to Costa Rica and is named "Little Sloth". MINUET / Robert Ivan Pacheco / Miramar Beach, FL / 2-5-08: Ordered Lumber today. MINUET / James Litzenberger / Atascadero, CA / 6-3-09: Slowly modifing and updating to my liking, a Glen-L Minuet I purchased in the late 90's. MINUET / Michael Miller / Painesville, Ohio / 8-12-09: Building a 15' Minuet; approximately 90% complete. . MIRAGE / Jimmy Schneiderman / / 8-17-99: Hull finished, engines installed, I am now constructing the upper deck. 4-9-03: Almost done. Lifted onto trailer. (See Customer Photos-Archives) MISSILE / Jim Dean / Phoenix, AZ / / 1-26-01: To date, I have completely replaced the forward decking, using the original mahogany framework, rebuilt the transom, and added lights. New fiberglass stem to stern, down to the waterline, and refinishing the mahogony trim completed Phase 1 this past summer, just in time to play. Phase 2, which is underway for '01, includes flipping the boat upsidedown to re-fiberglass and blueprint the bottom, a new paint job, and new upholstery. (See Old Boat Club for more) MIST MISS / Clif Poynter / Columbus, OH / / 8-13-03: I purchased the plans in the winter of last year (January of 2002) and am currently finishing the planking (covering) of the hull. Finding the correct wood in this area of the country without having to ship it in has been extremely difficult. Finishing the hull is my goal for this summer, as I soon will have to move it to a new garage and want the added stiffness. I have found an engine and transmission and rebuilt them and they are ready to install. Finding a used engine has saved me thousands of dollars (I just hope it runs well!). The plans have been excellent to this point and combined with the "Boatbuilding with Plywood" book have kept any surprises from happening. I would recommend this book to anyone who is thinking about building. If you read it, almost all of the items I see as questions on the website are answered within. I would like to talk to some other builders in the area to see what they do for lumber supplies and some of the other supply questions that I have. Please feel free to email me. Also I would like to thank those of you who have created your own websites detailing your building projects. Your information has been invaluable. MIST MISS / Jack Friesell / / 10-17-05: I finished building th Mist Miss in 1975, my family used the boat for 30 years. I installed a 403 Buick with a Berkeley jet pump. The boat bring designed for a prop drive, I had to have a step built into the bottom. This was done and the boat handled beautifully. It is a 50 mph boat with excellent pulling power. I still have the boat, however, the interior needs reupholstering. I used the boat for salmon fishing in Montery Bay as well as for water skiing. Anyone who has any questions regarding this boat project, email me. MIST MISS / Stuart Stafford / Perth, Western Australia / / 2-8-07: I am just commencing construction of the Mist Miss design. 5-21-07: So far I have built the construction stand and have sourced the wood for the frames, I am planning to start cutting the frame pieces this weekend. Quite slow due to work commitments. 9-27-07: I have cut and mounted my motor stringers on my building form, then unbolted and turned them 180 degrees so I had them the right way round. Embarrassing start but better now than later. I have also traced and cut out my stem and breasthook, laminated them and glued them together. Am about to start on frame pieces when I find the time... 2-22-08: It’s been hard work as the temparatures outside have regularly been over 40 degrees Celsius and I am working in a tin shed. I’ve been looking longingly at all the pictures of snow on the web site.... I’m only able to manage 2 or 3 hours a week but have nearly completed tracing and cutting out of frame components. I am looking forward to changing from making small pieces of wood out of larger ones to making larger pieces of wood out of smaller ones. MONACO / Henry Thorpe / email address not valid 4-9-03 / 9-30-98: Setup is complete...keel, frames, chines, sheer, longitudinals. Presently fairing. Will begin planking soon. 1-19-99: Planking finished. 4-18-00: I have finished the Monaco. It has a 351 Ford PCM engine in it which drives it at 48 mph. The boat handles well although it is a little wet on the nose. I am planning to try spray rails along the chine. The boat is finished with dark green topsides and bright above the sheer; all deck, trim, and covering boards are mahogany. MONACO / Bill Yonescu / email address not valid 4-10-03 / 9-11-00: Previously completed Riviera. Being the second one I built, it came out a little nicer (my opinion) than the first. It also has the MerCruiser 350 MAG MPI (315 HP) engine and almost reaches 50 mph. Each boat took about 10 months full time (I'm slow) and the raw materials cost about 19K$. I'm going to display both boats at the Norwalk, CT Boat Show with the hope of stimulating some interest in building similar boats for interested buyers. (See Customer Photos for photos of both Riviera and Monaco.) MONACO / Mark Wessler / / 10-30-01: I have been working on the Monaco for about 2.5 years. Current status is that the hull is almost ready for installation of the shaft hole. Then bleaching and staining. As you can see, I am not in a rush. Have been having a good time "piddilling" in the garage. MONACO / Mark Johnson / Cornelius, OR / / 1-16-02: I just started building the frames today. I've got #6-10 cut and matched and ready to epoxy tomorrow. This is big fun. I'll keep you updated as I progress. 7-31-02: The keel and chines are in and starting the battens today MONACO / John Gondek / Parkersburg, WV / / 11-27-02: I began construction on Mon 11/25 and have cutout and completed the Stem and also cutout all gussets and floor timbers. I am using Meranti 9MM marine plywood with 2 layers for the floor timbers and 4 layers for the stem. Total time in actual construction to date is 8 hours. Will pick-up framing lumber (Rock Elm) from Mill this afternoon. Note: Meranti color and grain is very similar to Mahogany. Color similar to Elm, and is stronger than Okoume. (also less expensive) 12-7-02: Completed all Frames and transom, except for laminated deck beam, assembled to stringers with Alum clips, assembly aligned and leveled. Will begin keel and chines on Mon. Total construction time to date is 49 hrs. 12-23-02: Frame Complete, Will begin Fairing after the Holidays which should be minamal, since a lot of attention was given to Frame construction and placement along with batten notches for depth and rotation. Total time to Date is 112 Hours. 2-3-03: Completed intermediate planking layers with bottom planking complete, except for mahogany at bow. Awaiting "Thin Kerf Saw Blade", scheduled for delivery next week. After cutting mahogany will begin final layer. Total construction time to date is 220 hrs. 6-11-04: I increased the height of the Boat (shear line) 3in. to obtain additional engine space and I also decreased the height of the Motor stringers 1 1/2in. which resulted in 4 1/2 in. additional Hull depth from Deck to stringers enabling flat carpeted floors. Construction was completed in June 03 except for flooring and finished seats. Dash and interior, as well as ribs and entire frame is constructed of American Elm with solid Mahogany and marine mahogany plywood on the exterior.The Boat is powered by a Modified Mercruiser 302 Ford with top speeds in access of 60MPH. The motor was repositioned 9 in. further Aft which provides very comfortable operation at All speeds. Feel free to Contact me with any questions. (see Customer Photos) MONACO / robnraine / Niagara on the Lake, ON, Canada / / 1-18-05: Project started last summer. At this point all the frames, stem, transom, engine stringers are constructed. The chines, sheers, and battens, are all cut, spliced and ready to go. When I get back from Florida in the spring I will set up and start assembly. I have acquired a 220 hp Mercruiser 302 Ford block with a BW 1:1 velvet drive trans. Strut, shaft log, rudder assembly are all from Glen L. So far the plans have been excellent. I have set up a full scale drawing of the engine position, shaft, strut and rudder on a sheet of plywood. This, plus hours of thinking will I hope, eliminate headaches later on. I have received good advice and feedback from other builders of this model. More to come in May. MONACO / Rich Coey / Modesto, California / / 1-2-06: Started 06/11/05. I am using white oak for the frames and okoume plywood for the first layers of planking. I bought a 1967 fiberglass Century Resorter, not original so not worth much, but is perfect for parts for the Monaco. It came with a newly rebuilt 5.7 Chevy and velvet drive transmission, a new trailer and all the other hardware I need, even the strut is the right size and angle. I usually just have weekends and holidays to work on the boat. On 12/31/05, I finished the first layer of planking, 258 hours to date. This has been a lot of fun so far. 2-5-06: Completed second layer at 312 hours. Picked up African mahogany for final lamination. It looks great, two of the pieces are 20 inches wide and the smallest is 11 inches wide. All are 12 ft. long, and hardly a flaw in any of it. Can't wait to start. 3-21-06: Done with the last layer of mahogany at 368 hours. Time to start sanding. 7-5-06: Since the last update the hull has been sanded, covered with fiberglass cloth and three coats of epoxy. The rub rail has been installed. Pads for the strut and a skid fin have been routed into the bottom. The holes for the shaft and rudder are done and the bottom is painted. 495 hours. After a few coats of varnish on the sides it will be time to turn it over. 9-8-06: Turned the boat over on July 23rd at 510 hours. Since then the cockpits and engine compartment have been framed in. The inside has been painted and strut, rudder, and steering are installed. The engine is to go in next. 11-24-06: The engine and all the parts and wiring to go with it are in and running. The seats and all interior panels are framed and the hatch and deck framing is complete. To date: 676 hours. I'll put the plywood on the deck this weekend. 2-14-07: It's getting close to being finished. The deck is complete with 3 coats of epoxy. It needs to cure for about three weeks before I add the varnish. In the meantime, I will finish the interior parts and other odds and ends. I am sending latest photos and will post total hours when it's all done. 5-1-07: Launched the boat on April 28th. It worked perfectly, gets on plane almost instantly with almost no bow rise. A very smooth dry ride even through choppy water. It ran 55 mph with four people and a full tank of gas according to speedometer on board and friend in bass boat along side. Should do even better with a lighter load. (carbureted 350 chevy, 1:1 velvet drive, 13 x 16 prop at 5000 rpm). Total build time was 934 hours. Could not be more pleased with the looks and performance of this boat. Thank you for a great set of plans. (see Customer Photos) MONACO / J.C. Boswell / Decatur, Texas / / Began 2/07/06. 2-22-06: Currently motor stringers mounted and 75% complete with frames. 9-22-06: I have turned the boat over and am working on interior electrical and mechanical. So far I have about 500 hours in work and about 1500 hours standing around scratching my head. I have posted some pictures at: www.jcbuiltboat.mysite.com Everyone is welcome to view and comment. MONACO / Don Johnson / Des Plaines, IL / / 8-15-06: I have been work on my Monaco for about 3 months. Frames, keel, chine, sheer and fitting battens, all white oak. I am happy with the plans. Looking for help with sizing of motor. Will keep in touch
MONACO / Bruce Dow / Toronto, Ontario, Canada /
/ 10-15-06: Started about a month ago (mid September). Have
constructed all frames, laid the keel and chines. Just
started notching for the sheers. Have acquired a
"vintage" ChrisCraft 283 HO engine that I'll
need to figure out. MONACO / Vladimír Janouš / Czech republic / / 7-24-08: My name is Vladimir Janouš . I produce boat with your plan type MONACO. I´m from Czech republic. (See Customer Photos at www.plachetnice.estranky.cz) MONACO / Chad May / Knoxville, Tennessee / / 12-5-09: I have recently acquire the wood, White Oak, for the framing members. Today I started the framing members and enjoyed the process. This boat is to be one of two that I am building for my daughters (5 yrs. & 2 yrs.) that they will have and enjoy for years to come.
MONACO 19 1/2' / Garry Stout / Odessa, Florida
/ 8-25-08: Hull is planked, next step is fiberglassing the
bottom, sides and transom. MONSOON / Joseph & Theresa Carozzoni / Rome, NY / / 9-25-98: Frames built, on form. Presently laying keel. 10-31-98: Starting chine and sheer 5-7-99: After taking 4 months off for NE winter, have finished all longitudinal. 7-23-99: Fairing completed and now starting bottom first layer of diagonal planking. 9-14-99: Planking complete. Pre-finishing just beginning. 12-1-99: Fiberglassing complete. Taking another 4 months off for NE winter. 6-15-00: Hull faired. Took much longer than we anticipated - but it's perfect. 8-15-00: Hull primed and bottom only painted. 8-28-00: Hull turned over. Currently looking for both a trailer and marine engine. 4-9-03: We're still here. Family illness resulted in us taking last year off. We still have 1/2' snow in the backyard, but hope to start with earnest in 2-3 weeks. Engine now installed, will be working on deck/cabin this summer. Hope to be in water next year. Thanks for asking.(See Customer Photos) MONSOON / Bill Bloodgood / Norfolk, VA / / 12-26-03: I have just taken delivery of the first load of lumber for the building jig for my Monsoon. I'm going to build the form here and after a move to South Carolina in the spring of 2004, I'll start building the frame work. The building form will be shipped by truck. If there is anyone out there who can fill me in on any pitfalls in the construcion process, please let me know. Your experience would be greatly appreciated. 3-7-04: I'm getting ready to move my MONSOON project to South Carolina. Work has stopped for now, but I should be set up and going again in a month or so. MONSOON / Alvin Jones / Vassalboro, ME / / 3-5-05: Started construction on Monsoon on 12-12-03. Hull is completed and ready for fiberglass this spring. 6-14-05: Completed fiber glassing and painting. Ready to turn over this winter to work on the cabin.
MONTE CARLO / Rick Blevens / Alton, IL /
/ 8-17-03: Frames almost done. MONTE CARLO / Tom P. / / 12-11-03: I have just started to build the frames. I am using Ash for the stringers and the frames! I also want to change the sharp corner where the topsides meet the deck to look more like the old Chris Craft. 1-14-04: Frames done... just starting the Transom. 1-29-04: Frames on the stringers and we started to let in the keel (built a router jig to notch the frames for the keel....nice) 2-4-04: Time to let in the chine @ sheer. 8-5-04: I think we've been neglecting updates for quite some time. Plywood: Done. Full coat of interior epoxy: Done. Deck battens: Done. Motor and wiring harness: Installed ( Black Scorpion 350 c.i./ 330 velvet drive 1:1 $8,400 oops there goes the budget) Bottom paint: Done. 1/4" thick by 3.5" mahogany topside planking: Done. Rudder and propshaft: Installed. Gearing up to install plywood on deck this week. Steering and gauges arrive this week. 8-16-04: Taken for test run: OK IT WORKS!!!! Now back in the shop and to work on the deck and interior!!! (see Customer Photos) MONTE CARLO / Gary Baker / / 1-12-04: Plans arrived New Years. All frames, gussets, floor timbers, fillers, sawn, sanded, numbered. Whoever invented the bandsaw was a genius. Epoxying up one frame per day, as too cold outside to set up building form. Trying to remember this is fun. 2-19-04: Frames, Transom, Stem assembled, glued, notched and ready for building form when warmer. Scarfing stringers at present. Have acquired complete steering/shifter and all linkages through rudder, skeg, prop, & shaft & gas tank assemblies still in boat from 59 Higgins and a separate Chev 307 with 1:1 velvet drive complete from CC cruiser. 5-11-04: Portable building frame constructed, transom, frames & stem assembled to motor stringers w/ clips. Scarfed chines & sheer, beginning installation. 6-24-04: Faired before battens, installed side & bottom battens, and am fairing remainder prior to planking. Monte Carlo doesn't seem to have a straight piece in the sides--- fairs one way for the bow portion and the opposite for the sheer, with 3 frames in the middle relatively straight. Although battens are installed flush to the frame, the differing "twists" from batten to batten still need to be faired relative to each other. 16 sheets marine 1/4" ply delivered and waiting for planking to commence. 40's steering column & box, wheel and throttle lever being refurbished in between rest-stops for compressor. Amazing how much air an autobody straight line sander uses (and how nice and flat it sands "across three battens". 7-14-04: 1st layer bottom and sides done. Resting (and reordering plywood) before starting 2nd. For planning, 1st layer took 10 sheets 4x8 ply, probably through mistakes only wasted 1/2 sheet. 11-9-05: Back at work finally- Major day in the boatbuilding project. Boat flipped over and ready for "phase 2". Hull survived its turnover without damage and hoisted on trailer. Turnover was accomplished with a single amidships belt, counterbalanced by a second to maintain tension and to keep boat from scooting out once past vertical. Skeg, rudder, and shaft-log fitted. Of course shaft hole goes exactly frame 2 as in the plans. Prop shaft hole drilled. Now that I can see the inside will spend some time planning the interior layout and dimensions, cleaning up excess 5200, and hauling the motor out to the rebuilder. 5-23-06: Deck framing completed, hatch built and located- attached for plywood decking, decking installed. Progress & more photos at: http://10n9th.com/BakerBoats/HeartOHiggins/index.html (see Customer Photos) MONTE CARLO / Tim Holihan / Yorba Linda, CA, USA / / I wanted to register the Monte Carlo which I am building. I have had questions in many cases on building mine, but have had few people to ask. I hope that registering this I can assist others in the lessons that I have learned. 1/05: Plans arrived. All frames, gussets, floor timbers, fillers, sawn, sanded, numbered. Bandsaw highly recommended. Epoxying up one frame per day. Building form completed. Trying to remember this is fun. 2/05: Frames and Transom set on Motor Stringers. 3/05 All frames and motor stringer clips glued into place.7/05: long time working much on boat traveling a lot. Chines cut and glued into place. (Broke 2 due to radical twists). 8/05: Sheer pieces cut and in process of gluing into place. All frame notches (Chine, Sheer, and Battens) should have been cut while building frames. I wish that I would have done these at that time. More accurate cuts possible. I still have to cut all batten notches. I will send photos soon.
MONTE CARLO / Brad Nidersson /
/ 11-6-07: Thought I would register my building a Monte
Carlo to the list. After expanding my shop 120 square feet so
that I could fit the boat in the building, I now have the
frames set up on the motor stringers. In the pictures you
will see some 10'x1" strips of mdf for checking if
my lines are fair. Now working on preliminary fairing. Making
a jig for router to cut longi notches, and searching for 1/4
inch hull material.
MONTE CARLO / Dale Brevik / Polson, Montana /
/ 8-6-09: I purchased the plans 6 years ago and have been
collecting hardware and parts while waiting for retirement to
bring me to the point of starting the build. White Oak for
the frames was purchased and sawdust started hitting the
floor on 07/08/09. We live on the shores of Flathead Lake,
largest natural body of fresh water west of the Mississippi
river. This will be a dream boat for summer cruising. I built
the model about 8 years ago and it inspired me to start
collecting parts for the real thing. I have everything from a
new Chevy 350 marine crate engine to the banjo steering wheel
and bear claw engine vents. Amazing what you can find on
Ebay! MONTE CARLO / Tim Baker / Adelaide, South Australia / / 2-12-2010: Taken off plans, put onto 3mm ply , cut the 3 laminations for stem & 2 for breaststock and are busy cutting up ply for gussets & timber for frames.
MONTE CARLO / David Solaro / Reno, Nevada /
/ 10-22-2009: I am building the Monte Carlo and have been at
it with my father for the past 2-3/4 years starting in
January 2007 in Reno, Nevada. Plywood faired, fiberglass
complete, boat flipped. I work mostly Wednesday evenings for
3-4 hours after work. Thank you for the great information
available on this site. MR. JOHN / Howard Litz / Williamsville, New York / / 2-12-2010: I live in Western New York near Buffalo. I just started building. I got all the lumber and started to make the frames.I never built a boat before, I have to learn the terminology. NOYO TRAWLER / Jeff Hanson / email address not valid 4-9-03 / 12-8-00: We launched in early May and had a great summer in her... logged around 350 miles or so. See News Letters/WebLetter 23 for photos... anyone please tell me what you think of our boat, or if you have any questions I will be glad to answer them. NOYO TRAWLER / Rennie Delceppo / Malta / / 2-2-03: I started building it in my garage in 1990, it took me 3 years to finish it. Living on the Mediterranean island of Malta I wanted a durable boat which could be used as a family as well as fishing boat during the long summer season that we enjoy. To build the boat based on your informative plans and instructions was not too difficult a task. We decided to alter the superstructure slightly and in 1993 we launched 'Freya'. I am extremely happy with this very seaworthy boat and needless to say the Noyo is a boat of character. I have often been asked questions about it and people are astonished to learn that I built it myself. (see Customer Photos) NOYO TRAWLER / Allen H. Storms / / 10-9-06: Will be using a 30 hp Yanmar diesel. I have construction pics but I am a long way from completion. ODYSSEA / Robert Sharp / / 6-25-98: Starting frames and keel ODYSSEA / Joseph Delceppo / Malta / / 7-10-03: Since you kindly put my letter and pictures of my Noyo Trawler on the web in February this year, I now have the pleasure in letting you know that another beautiful Glen-L design is being built in Malta, namely the Odyssea (36' cruising yacht). This time it is my uncle Joseph Delceppo who has decided to build this boat. He will in fact lengthen the boat to 46'. Right now the frame members are already in place and fixing chines and battens is taking place. As soon as work progresses and we get some pictures taken I shall forward them to you. Rennie Delceppo OUTRAGE / Jack Budak / email address not valid 4-10-03 / 7-15-99: Started this boat a long time ago (it's a long story) anyway finished it and launched on 7-3-99. Using 88 Johnson. Porpoised a little, making trim tabs. Very fast, gets on plane quickly. Made some changes: center console flats boat with re-inforced deck for fishing. OUTRAGE / Michael Irace / Kyoto, Japan (Biwa Lake) / / 2-8-01: I have spent to this point about 30hrs on the project. I just finished fitting the front deck veneer. Next I will build a storage area under the front deck with walls and a floor to give a more finished apperance. I also plan to install 2 small batteries (one on each side of the front deck area) so I will need to build those compartments. The batteries are from 660cc cars here in Japan and are very compact. Cool. One modification to the boat was to move the console forward of Frame 3 about 12 inches to make the passenger area larger. I used Japanese cherry of greater dimensions than the plans called for for the coaming and carling. Motor: 120HP Force 2-cycle. 4-10-03: The boat went together in much less actual working time than I imagined. I took, however, about 7 months to complete it. That included only a couple hours here and there and very few 8-hour days. I would say that I could do it again (better), knowing what I know now, in a couple weeks not including painting. It really is THAT easy. Of course the glassing was no treat but even that took less effort and had less problems than I imagined. The design was straight-forward and completely logical. Even so it yielded a really slick package that looks and performs better than the sum of it's parts. OUTRAGE / Jeff Brunot / Marietta, Ga / / 5-30-03: I had to level the ground under my back deck and, after constructing a roof system to keep the rain off during construction, I set up there. The frames are on the building form, longitudinals being fitted. (see Customer Photos)(previously built Fife) OUTRAGE / Patrick & Todd Wetherill / Painted Post, NY / / 9-20-04: The frames, stem, transom, keel are now assembled and on the set up unit. We are in the process of installing the chine block and sheer clamps before cold weather sets in. (see Customer Photos) OUTRAGE / Scott Anderson / Raleigh, North Carolina / / 11-16-05: The hull exterior is complete; applying fiberglass; soon to flip and begin interior work. To be moored on the Virginia side of Lake Gaston. OUTRAGE / John Wilmot / Edgewater, Maryland / / 6-24-08: I am building the Outrage and am just about finished with the bottom. I have the plywood on, 4 applications of epoxy from your kit, and just installed the lift strakes. I plan to sand and give it one more coat of epoxy before I paint with Interlux Primer and Brightside. Thanks for the help. Your plans are great. OVERNITER / Dave Baker / Surrey, British Columbia, Canada / / 02-21-02: I have just started laying out plywood for transom, stem, and breast-hook. 4-12-02: I have built the transom to the stage where it can go on the building form and now I am building the frames. I have chosen to use Yellow (Alaska) Cedar which is very nice to work with, is quite strong, and has a beautiful smell when being cut. 4-10-03: I am still in the process of construction, however, we have recently moved and I am building a new shop in order to resume the project. I hope to continue construction of the boat within the next year. P thru ZHome Page |